05 января 2021

Мы завершили развитие RDS Bar версии 6, первой общей версии расширения для всех браузеров. Это был достаточно сложный и не стабильный этап развития,...

22 января 2018

С момента появления панели инструментов RDS прошло много времени. Изначально он предполагался как Toolbar с SEO инструментами, предназначенный только...

22 января 2018

A lot of time has passed since the RDS toolbar appeared. Initially it was intended as a Toolbar with SEO tools, designed only for Mozilla Firefox....

The GuidFormatException type exposes the following members.


Public propertyData
Gets a collection of key/value pairs that provide additional user-defined information about the exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyHelpLink
Gets or sets a link to the help file associated with this exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Protected propertyHResult
Gets or sets HRESULT, a coded numerical value that is assigned to a specific exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyInnerException
Gets the Exception instance that caused the current exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyMessage
Gets a message that describes the current exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the name of the application or the object that causes the error.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyStackTrace
Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Public propertyTargetSite
Gets the method that throws the current exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)

See Also

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Ап Индекс Я: 08-01-2019 2166
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