05 января 2021

Мы завершили развитие RDS Bar версии 6, первой общей версии расширения для всех браузеров. Это был достаточно сложный и не стабильный этап развития,...

22 января 2018

С момента появления панели инструментов RDS прошло много времени. Изначально он предполагался как Toolbar с SEO инструментами, предназначенный только...

22 января 2018

A lot of time has passed since the RDS toolbar appeared. Initially it was intended as a Toolbar with SEO tools, designed only for Mozilla Firefox....

The SitesByWmIdsCountCheck type exposes the following members.


Public methodSitesByWmIdsCountCheck
Конструктор класса


Public methodCloseAsync
принудительное завершение асинхронной проверки
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected methodCreateResult
вормирование результата
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected methodDeserialize
дессериализация данных
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInsertData
дессериализация данных, и записывание в результат
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected methodInvokeStateChanged (Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodProceed (Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected methodSetApiKey (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Public methodSetTimeout (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Public methodStart
Синхронная проверка
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Public methodStartAsync
старт ассинхронного запроса для Bulk
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodXmlRequest
сериализация bulk запроса
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)


Protected field_bulkResult
промежуточный результат для Bulk
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected field_exception (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Protected field_interfaceResult (Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected field_userStopSession (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Protected fieldApiKey
Апи Ключ
(Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Protected fieldBulkResult
промежуточный результат для Bulk
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Public fieldRequestObj (Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Protected fieldResumeMode
режим продолжения проверки
(Inherited from AbstractCheck.)


Public propertyAsyncIsWorking (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Public propertyException
Ошибка если есть, null - если нет
(Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Public propertyHasException (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Protected propertyHttpMethod
метод обращения Post,Put
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Public propertyIsWorking (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Public propertyRequest (Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Public propertyResult (Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)
Public propertyStatus (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Public propertyTaskVariant (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Public propertyTimeout (Inherited from AbstractCheck.)
Protected propertyWebPath
путь к апи, используется для всех методов Bulk
(Inherited from BulkCheck<(Of <(<'T, TBulkItem, TY, TZ>)>)>.)


See Also

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